- Zena Rebello, Phd. Graduate Student, Sept. 2010-Dec. 2014 - Incomplete
- Kristin Wall
- Phd. Student, 2006 - 2014
- Msc. 2005 - 2006

- After York Ionics Mass Spectroscopy Group: 2014 at Canadian Analytical Laboratories, Inc.
- Mitesh Patel. MSc., January 2011 - January 2013. Thesis: LC-MS/MS Analysis of Mechanistic Studies of Agricultural lPesticides in the Environment
- Undergrad Summer Research Assistant, 2010. CHEM4000 Fall/Winter 2009/10 - Thesis: Investigation of the efficiency for the cadmium reduction method of nitrate to nitrite conversion for the application in the LOPAP instrument.

- After York: Environment Canada
- Nikolay Yardonov, Graduate Student, Sept. 2010 - December 2012
- Shayan Makvandi,Workstudy, Fall-Winter 2011/2012
- Nontokozo Langwenya, CHEM 4000, Sept. 2010 - April 2011. Thesis Title: ...

- Octavian Florea
- MSc. Sept. 2007 - Incomplete
- Ian Burling
- Grad Student, 1999-2008
- Phd. Thesis: Resonant optical cavities for the measurement of atmospheric trace gases
- ian.burling@mso.umt.edu
- After York: University of Montana, Research Scientist
- Jean-Francois Gouin
- PDF 2000-2006
- Summer 2004 Kensington Market Air Quality Study
- After York: Consultant and is working with an NGO based in Marseilles (development work in Africa)
- Althea Darby
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2003-2007
Rhian Salmon
PhD graduate
Tina Scherz
MSc Graduate
Currently at EC
Rami Dhanoa, Undergraduate Assistant, Summer 2004 |
Andrew Beharry, Summer 2005, Workstudy Research Assistant |
Raluca Popuscu, Summer 2005, 4000 CHEM thesis |
Vera Okouneva, Undergraduate workstudy, 2006/07 |
Milos Markovic, CHEM4000 thesis, calibration of DOAS instrumental method for NO2 measurements, 2005/06. After York: U of T Graduate Studies |
Rebecca Hall, CHEM4000 Thesis, The atmospheric concentrations of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde measured during BAQS-Met by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, Summer 2007. After York: Study respiratory therapy at UofT, Mitchner Institute |
Stephen Monica, CHEM4000 Thesis 2007/08. After York, Blyth Academy teaching math |
Milan Atanackovic, CHEM4000 Thesis. After York: Graduate student - St. George's University, 2007/08 |
Shaddha Brahmbhatt, Undergraduate Workstudy, Res. Assistant, 2007/08 |